Primary Care Doctors in Portsmouth, Newington NH
The primary care doctors at Portsmouth Family Care can care for your whole family! For more information, please contact us to schedule an appointment. We are conveniently located at 101 Shattuck Way Suite 2 Newington, NH 03801.
Table of Contents:
Is a primary care doctor the same as a GP?
Should I get a primary care doctor?
What do primary care doctors specialize in?
How can I find a top primary care provider near me in Newington, NH?
In most cases, yes. Most people use the term primary care doctor and general practice doctor (GP) interchangeably. However, a general practice doctor may sometimes differ from a primary care doctor. While both a GP and primary care physician are trained in general healthcare for various populations, some general practitioners may have other subspecialties that they focus on. For example, a geriatrician, which is a doctor that cares for older adults, or a pediatrician, which is a doctor that cares for children, can also be considered general practice doctors, as they provide basic, essential care to these populations. Some geriatricians or pediatricians may also have their own practice and clinic, the same way that primary care doctors do.
At Portsmouth Family Care, we have primary care doctors that can take on a wide variety of patients from different walks of life. Our primary care doctors can provide comprehensive, ongoing care, and also refer you to a specialist if necessary. We also have some specialists on-site that can address some of your needs.
Regardless of your life situation or current health, it is recommended that everyone have a primary care doctor accessible. Over the years, research has continually shown that those with access to a primary care doctor that they visit regularly tend to have better health outcomes. This is because a primary care doctor is meant to get to know your health history over time, so they can provide the best care possible, with the right and most up-to-date information. When you have a health issue that isn’t life-threatening, your primary care doctor is often the first person you see.
They can help diagnose and treat various conditions, as well as test and screen for more serious issues, or chronic underlying health conditions, and refer you to further services if necessary. Often, serious illnesses like cancer and diabetes are first flagged by or even diagnosed by a primary care doctor. In general, the earlier you can diagnose and treat an issue, the better health outcomes you’ll have. Primary care doctors can also provide yearly physicals, and help you manage any medications you need to take, by re-prescribing them regularly or changing the dosage. Regardless of whether you feel perfectly healthy or not, having a primary care doctor is a vital part of your overall healthcare throughout your lifetime.
Put simply, most primary care doctors specialize in general medicine, meaning the overall ongoing care of the wider population. They monitor your health, screen and test for various issues, administer and monitor treatments, and can provide simple in-office procedures that don’t require hospitalization or more complex care. Some primary care doctors may also work and consult in outpatient clinics, or in hospitals. Since primary care is a general branch of medicine, some doctors may have a subspecialty, such as a pediatrics, geriatrics, or internal medicine.
Finding the best primary care provider near you often starts with an online search, where you can usually see other patients’ ratings, either via Google reviews or testimonials on the clinic or physician’s website. You may also be able to ask friends and family for recommendations. While a quick Google search may bring up primary care providers nearby, you may have to call around and do your own research in order to find out who is accepting new patients, which can be time-consuming. Depending on your personal health insurance plan, you may also need to find a provider that is “in-network”, which means they will accept your insurance.
Our primary care doctors at Portsmouth Family Care are currently accepting new patients, and are proud to provide top quality, comprehensive care. If you would like more information about which doctors at our specific clinic are accepting new patients, who they can see, and how to go about setting up an initial appointment, please feel free to contact us today. We serve patients from Portsmouth NH, Newington NH, Durham NH, Madbury NH, Dover NH, Greenland NH, Stratham NH, and Newfields NH.
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Diabetes Management
▸ Family Medicine Physician
▸ Primary Care
▸ Sexual Medicine Doctor
▸ Weight Management
▸ After Hours Care
▸ Women’s Health Exam
▸ School/Sports Physical
▸ Executive Physical
▸ Annual Physical
▸ Adolescent Medicine
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Diabetes Management
▸ Family Medicine Physician
▸ Primary Care
▸ Sexual Medicine Doctor
▸ Weight Management
▸ After Hours Care
▸ Women’s Health Exam
▸ School/Sports Physical
▸ Executive Physical
▸ Annual Physical
▸ Adolescent Medicine