Executive Physical Clinic in Portsmouth, Newington, NH
Executive physicals refer to comprehensive executive physical exams designed for companies and their employees who are eligible for this benefit. Visit Portsmouth Family Care to get specialized and comprehensive care. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 101 Shattuck Way Suite 2 Newington, NH.
Table of Contents:
What is an executive physical examination?
What is the benefit of an executive physical?
How do you prepare for an executive physical?
Health is incredibly important and essential to living a good quality of life, but it can also be easy to ignore until the problem is blatantly obvious and interferes with our day-to-day living. In order to prevent this from happening, it is suggested to see the doctor at least once a year, which is known as an executive physical. These health exams can help detect the early signs of medical conditions that, if treated early, can be easily managed and even completely ameliorated. If these signs are ignored, they can develop into full-blown health conditions that can last an entire lifetime.
An executive physical exam is an essential part of each person’s healthcare services. There is no standardized test for yearly physical exams, so the actual contents of one can vary from practice to practice. Some doctors may be thorough or brief, however, it is important that they spend time listening to each patient’s concerns and provide counseling and education for their particular complaints and risk factors.
Executive exams may consist of:
Health History — This part of the exam is the perfect opportunity to talk about any health complaints or areas of concern. The doctor will also likely ask the patient about lifestyle behaviors like smoking, alcohol use, illicit substances, sexual health, diet, and exercise. They will likely also review vaccinations and update personal and family medical history.
Vital Signs — Doctors may check the patient’s:
• Blood pressure
• Heart rate
• Respiration rate
• Temperature
General Appearance — Doctors also gather a wealth of information from how the patient talks and presents themselves. This can include mental acuity, skin health, and cleanliness.
Exams — They may also perform several exams, including:
• Heart Exam
• Lung Exam
• Head and Neck Exam
• Abdominal Exam
• Neurological Exam
• Dermatological Exam
• Extremities Exam
There are many benefits that executive physicals provide, mainly:
Assessing Overall Health — With a routine physical exam, doctors can fully examine a patient’s total body health, from forehead to feet. This can provide invaluable information about a person’s health and give insight into what conditions may be occurring in the background.
Updating Vaccinations — Staying up-to-date with vaccinations is one of the easiest ways to prevent a number of different diseases, such as hepatitis B, polio, measles, and mumps.
Screening for Chronic Diseases — Chronic diseases are the number one cause of health problems in the United States, including diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. By assessing risk factors for these diseases, doctors can help keep Americans healthy and massively reduce healthcare costs.
Addressing Health Concerns — An executive physical is the perfect time for patients to tell their doctor about their current health concerns. These can be consistent symptoms, or temporary bouts of general unease, and anything in between. Some people may not think that their symptoms are too serious, so they may avoid booking an appointment with the doctor; executive physicals eliminate this worry and present the patient with a great opportunity to talk about their health.
To prepare for an executive physical, it may be suggested to:
• Write down the current medications you take
• Write down any symptoms you are experiencing
• Bring results from any recent tests
• Update medical and surgical history
• Ask additional questions you would like answered
Come to Portsmouth Family Care for your next executive physical! Our kind and compassionate professionals are experienced providers of executive physicals and can help you stay on top of your health! We serve patients from Portsmouth NH, Newington NH, Durham NH, Madbury NH, Dover NH, Greenland NH, Stratham NH, and Newfields NH.
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Diabetes Management
▸ Family Medicine Physician
▸ Primary Care
▸ Sexual Medicine Doctor
▸ Weight Management
▸ After Hours Care
▸ Women’s Health Exam
▸ School/Sports Physical
▸ Executive Physical
▸ Annual Physical
▸ Adolescent Medicine
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Diabetes Management
▸ Family Medicine Physician
▸ Primary Care
▸ Sexual Medicine Doctor
▸ Weight Management
▸ After Hours Care
▸ Women’s Health Exam
▸ School/Sports Physical
▸ Executive Physical
▸ Annual Physical
▸ Adolescent Medicine